Legal Notice
This ” Website ” has been designed by Livtheyoga, to publicise and allow general access for all Users to the information, activities, products and diverse services, be they our own or of third parties, offered.
Identifying data of the website owner
In compliance with the duty of disclosure, Livtheyoga (hereinafter The Owner) in its capacity of owner of the website (hereinafter THE WEBSITE) hereby informs you of its identifying data:
Company name: Livtheyoga
Web host : o2switch – 222 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert 63000 Clermont-Ferrand 04 44 44 60 40
Tax ID Code:
Email address:
Business address: Cam. Barranco del Agua, 38500 Güímar, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
This information forms and regulates the terms and conditions of use, the limitations of liability and the obligations assumed by the users of the website published under the domain name/s and that they undertake to respect.
The terms used include;
“Page”; Domain/s made available to Users of the Internet.
“User”; Individual or legal entity who/that uses or browses the Website.
“Content”; These are the webpages that make up the entire domain. They make up the information and services that the Owner makes available to the Users of the Internet. They contain the messages, texts, photographs, graphics, icons, logos, technology, links, structures, drawings, sound and/or image files, recordings, software, appearance, graphic design and source codes and, in general, any type of material contained in the Webpage.
“Website”; A technical word that describes the system for accessing the information via the Internet, which is configured by means of pages prepared using HTML, ASP or a similar language, and programming mechanisms such as java, javascript, PHP, etc. These pages, which are designed and published under an Internet domain name, are the result of the information that the Owner makes available to Internet Users.
“Links, Hyperlinks, etc.”; Technology that enables a User to browse the different pages of the Website, or the Internet in general, simply by clicking on the text, icon, button or indicator that contains the link.
“Cookies”; Technical means for tracing and monitoring who and/or what is browsing Websites. They are small text files that are written in the User’s computer.
Privacy policy
This website gathers none of the users’ personal data without their knowledge, nor does it transfer them to third parties.
Livtheyoga does not use cookies to collect information about users, nor does it record their ip access addresses. In those cases where cookies are used, the user will be informed, on first accessing the Website, of the terms and conditions governing its use and of the company’s usage policy.
The portal of which Livtheyoga is the Owner contains links to third-party websites, whose privacy policies are unrelated to Livtheyoga. When accessing such websites, you may decide whether or not you accept their privacy and cookies’ policies. As a general rule, when browsing the internet you may accept or reject third-party cookies using the configuration options of your browser.
Website availability
The Owner does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors when accessing the Website or its Contents, or that they have been updated, although it will make every effort, where appropriate, to remove, correct or update them. Therefore, the Owner takes no responsibility for damages or losses of any kind suffered by the user caused by faults or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that might result in the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during the provision thereof or prior thereto.
The Owner waives, with the exceptions provided for in the legislation currently in force, any liability for the damages and losses of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability, continuity or quality of the functioning of the Website and of its Contents, to the non-fulfilment of the usage expectations the Users might possibly have attributed to the Website and its Contents.
Access to the Website does not oblige the Owner to ensure the absence of viruses, worms or any other element that might harm the User’s computer. Under all circumstances it is the User who is responsible for the availability of adequate tools for the detection and removal of harmful software. Therefore, the Owner assumes no responsibility for the possible security errors that may occur during the service provided by the Website, nor for any possible damage that may be caused to the User’s IT system or to that of third parties (hardware and software), to the files or documents stored in it due to the presence of viruses in the computer used to connect with the services and contents of the Website, to a malfunction of the browser or to the use of outdated versions thereof.
Terms and conditions of use
The simple and mere use of the Website imparts the condition of User, whether he, she or it is an individual or legal entity, and it necessarily implies the complete, full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the clauses and general terms and conditions included in this Legal Notice. If the User were to disagree with the clauses and the terms and conditions of use of this Legal Notice, he, she or it shall refrain from using the Website.
This Legal Notice is subject to amendments and updates, meaning the version published by the Owner may be different at the time the User accesses the Website. Therefore, the User must read the Legal Notice every time he, she or it accesses the Website.
The Owner enables the Users to access and use a variety of Contents published online by the Owner or by authorized third parties.
The User undertakes and agrees to use the Website and its Contents in accordance with current legislation, this Legal Notice and any other notice or instructions brought to his,her or its attention either by way of this legal notice or in any other place within the contents that make up the Website, as well as in accordance with the generally accepted standards of coexistence, morality and proper conduct.
For this purpose, the User agrees and undertakes NOT to use any of the Contents for illicit purposes or effects prohibited in this Legal Notice or by current legislation that might contravene the rights and interests of third parties or that may in any way damage, disable, overload, undermine or prevent the normal use of the Contents, the IT equipment or the documents, files and all other manner of content stored on any IT equipment owned or contracted by the Owner, by other Users or by any user of the Internet (hardware and software).
The User expressly undertakes to make appropriate use of the content and services offered and not to use them to:
- Disseminate content that is criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, supports terrorism or, in general, contravenes the law or public order.
- Introduce computer viruses or perform actions in the network that might alter, damage, interrupt or generate errors or damage the electronic documents, data or physical and logical systems of Livtheyoga or third parties; as well as hamper the access of other Users to the Website and its services via the mass consumption of the IT resources through which Livtheyoga provides its services.
- Try to access other users’ email accounts or the restricted areas of Livetheyoga’s or third-party IT systems for the purpose of extracting information.
- Violate the intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as infringe the confidentiality of the information of Livtheyoga or of third parties.
- Steal the identity of another User, of the public authorities or of a third party.
- Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents unless the authorization of the owner of the rights in question has been obtained or said action is legally permitted.
- Gather data for advertising purposes and to send publicity of any type and communications for sale or other purposes of a commercial nature without the Owner’s prior consent.
Availability of Content
The provision of the Website’s service and the availability of its Content are, in principle, of indefinite duration. However, the Owner may terminate or suspend the provision of the service offered by the Website and/or of any of its contents at any time.
Responsibility for content
The function of the links, hyperlinks, etc. that appear on this Website is exclusively to inform the User about the existence of other Websites containing information on similar subject matter. This does not constitute any suggestion or recommendation whatever.
The Owner is not responsible for the legality of any third-party websites from which it might be possible to access the Website. Nor is the Owner answerable for the legality of third-party websites which may accessed via the links on the Website.
The Owner is not responsible for the contents of the websites for which links exist or for the operation, usefulness or result of the links or hyperlinks. Nor does the Owner guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements they might contain that may cause alterations in the User’s IT system (hardware and software), documents or files, with the Owner being excluded from any responsibility for the damages caused to the User for any of these reasons.
Terms and conditions for accessing and using blogs, forums, chat rooms and other similar services
The Website, blogs, forums, noticeboard, etc. are designed with the principal objective of creating and exchanging tourism-based opinion. To achieve this we rely on the invaluable collaboration of reputed professionals working within the sector who provide their view of the tourism-based subject matter of interest to us. Everything contained in each of the articles published on this Website is submitted to Livtheyoga by our employees.
For security reasons we recommend that users of these websites do not post any confidential information. If detected, any messages containing confidential information will be deleted.
Livtheyoga does not guarantee quality, accuracy, reliability, correction or morality of the data, information or opinions, whatever their origin, that circulate through the Website or through any others to which the User might gain access via Livtheyoga.
Livtheyoga shall not be responsible for the contents posted and the User assumes exclusive responsibility for the consequences, damages or actions that could be derived from the contents, opinions, disclosures and, in general, from any data that might be posted on the Website, for access to said content, as well as for the reproduction or diffusion thereof.
Livtheyoga shall not be responsible for the infractions committed by any user that might affect the rights of another Livtheyoga user, or those of third parties, including copyright, trademarks, patents, confidential information and any other intellectual or industrial property right.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the users of the Website, of the blogs, forums, noticeboards, etc. undertake to adhere to these terms and conditions and current legislation and the generally accepted standards of proper behaviour. In particular, the users of these services shall prevent any attack on personal dignity and freedom.
Pursuant to the foregoing, Livtheyoga may exclude any user or any disclosure or content who or that, in its opinion, may affect the principles outlined above from the Website, blogs, forums, noticeboards, etc. without having to provide any justification or explanation whatever. The same applies to those users who might contribute content unrelated to the subject matter of the blog or forum, which has excessively commercial or promotional undertones, which raises issues of scarce general interest, that Livtheyoga might simply find abusive or that does not respect any of the terms and conditions contained in this Legal Notice.
Any message sent to the blogs, forums, noticeboard, etc. may be reproduced by Livtheyoga in any other section of the Website or other space or publication medium.
Reproduction of contents
The User pledges and undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties any type of material contained on the Website, such as news items, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, software, links, graphic design and source codes, or any other material that he, she or it might access in his, her or its condition of User of the Website, without this list being limited to the foregoing.
Also, in order to comply with all the foregoing, the User may not:
- – Play, copy, distribute, make available in any way, publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents unless he, she or it has the written and explicit authorisation of the Owner, who is responsible for the corresponding rights, or this is permitted by law.
- – Delete, manipulate or in any way alter the ” copyright ” and remaining identifying data of the reservation of rights of the Owner or of their owners, of the digital fingerprints and/or identifiers, or of any other technical means established for its recognition.
The User must refrain from obtaining, and from even trying to obtain, the Contents using means or procedures other than those which, depending on the case, have been made available to him, her or it or that are indicated on the Webpages where they are located or, in general, of those commonly used on the Internet for this purpose, provided they do not involve a risk of the Website and/or of its Contents being damaged or rendered unusable.
Industrial and intellectual property
Intellectual and industrial property rights are all those rights recognised by the intellectual property legislation as being of an ownership or operational nature with respect to any purpose and any form of use, as well as all rights recognised by the industrial property legislation including, in both cases, the power to request the appropriate registrations and entries to obtain or protect these rights (hereinafter the “Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights”).
The use of all elements subject to industrial and intellectual property for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited, as is the distribution, modification, alteration or decompilation thereof.
Any denominations, designs and/or logos, as well as any product or service offered and reflected on the Website, are trademarks registered or owned by Livtheyoga, or by third parties. Their use by persons other than their legitimate owner and without the consent thereof is not permitted.
The intellectual property rights and trademarks of third parties shall be respected by the user, who shall be solely responsible for the use to which they are put.
The infringement of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute a violation of these provisions, as well as an offence punishable in accordance with Spanish law.
Security Measures
The Owner has adopted the personal data protection levels required by law and is endeavouring to install those other additional technical means and measures available to it to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the personal data submitted. The Owner will not be responsible for any possible damages or losses that might be derived from interferences, omissions, interruptions, IT viruses, telephonic faults or disconnections in the operation of this electronic system resulting from causes beyond the Owner’s control. Nor shall the Owner be responsible for any delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or overloads in the Data Processing Centre, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, as well as any damages that may be caused by third parties through illegitimate interference beyond the Owner’s control. However, the User must be aware that the security measures are not impregnable.
Personal Data Protection
While browsing THE WEBSITE it is possible that users will be requested to provide personal data by way of different website forms made available for this purpose or via email. These data shall form part of the relevant files in accordance with the specific and concise purpose for which they are gathered, which shall be made known at the time the personal data are requested. This means that the information particular to each data processing exercise shall be provided together with the website forms or email, with the person or entity responsible for processing and controlling the file being common to all of them: Livtheyoga.
In accordance with the rights conferred by the current data protection regulations, users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, limitation of processing, deletion, portability and opposition to the processing of their personal data, as well as of the consent given for the processing thereof by directing their request by letter to Livtheyoga, Cam. Barranco del Agua, 38500 Güímar, Santa Cruz de Tenerife or via email to
Anyone has the right to receive confirmation regarding whether or not Livtheyoga is processing personal data that may concern them. Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are not required for the purposes for which they were collected.
Under certain circumstances, and for reasons related to their particular situation, interested parties may request the limitation of or opposition to the processing of their data, in which case Livtheyoga shall only retain them on compelling legitimate grounds and in order to comply with any current regulations imposed by the administration or to exercise or defend possible claims.
Part of the “Website” can host advertising content or be sponsored. Advertisers and sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the “Website” complies with the laws that may apply in each case. Livtheyoga shall not be responsible for any error, inaccuracy or irregularity that the contents posted by the advertisers or sponsors may contain.
Under all circumstances, to file any claim related to the advertising content posted on this “Website” the following email address can be used:
Limitation of liability
The Owner waives any responsibility for the decisions that the User might take based on this information, as well as for any possible typographical errors that the documents and graphics of the Website may contain. The information is subject to possible periodic changes without prior notice as regards its content, with this involving factors such as the extension, improvement, correction or updating thereof.
The Website may contain third party advertising and/or links that facilitate connection to third-party websites. Livtheyoga waives, under all circumstances, all responsibility for the services that these third parties offer, or for the particular or general terms and conditions that might govern them, or for the contents of the websites that might be accessed via the established links.
The Owner is not responsible for the accuracy of any information not prepared by itself and for that indicating another source, meaning that it also assumes no responsibility whatever for any hypothetical damages and losses that may originate from the use of said information. The Owner reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on its webpages and may even limit or prohibit access to such information. The Owner is exonerated of responsibility for any damage or loss that the User may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by the Owner whenever it is not the source thereof.
Procedure in the event of illegal activities
In the event that any user or a third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that might reveal the illicit nature of the use of any content and/or the performance of any activity on the websites included or accessible via the Website, he, she or it must send a notification to Livtheyoga duly identifying him-, her- or itself, specifying the alleged infractions and declaring, expressly and under his, her or its responsibility that the information provided in the notification is accurate.
All notifications and communications between users and Livtheyoga shall be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are carried out via postal mail, email or by telephone. Users must contact Livtheyoga by:
Sending a conventional letter to the following address: Cam. Barranco del Agua, 38500 Güímar, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
By email to the following address:
If part of these general terms and conditions of contracting were contrary to the law and, therefore, invalid, this shall not affect the other provisions that are in legal compliance. Therefore, the parties undertake to renegotiate those clauses or terms and conditions of service that prove null and void and to incorporate them into the rest of the valid terms and conditions.
For any questions that might arise regarding the interpretation and application of, and compliance with, this Legal Notice, as well as any claims that may arise from its use, all the parties involved submit to the Judges and Courts of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and expressly waive any other jurisdiction to which they might be entitled.
Applicable legislation
This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law.
All copyright reserved by international intellectual property laws and treaties. It is expressly forbidden to copy, reproduce or disseminate it, either totally or partially, by any means.